Rebirthing Essence


Assists you to achieve the clarity and trust required to move forward in a new and more authentic way. It will encourage a new perspective on life to emerge and the removal of the blockages and traumas hindering you from achieving your true nature and potential to take place.Also transformational in healing birth traumas, both your own and the birth of your child.

Essence Benefits:  Shift your perception so you gain full clarity on what is keeping you bound so you can move forward. 

Assists with:

  • Letting go of an old way that you have outgrown 
  • Renewed trust in opening to the next step
  • Removing blocks that keep you stuck and stagnant
  • New perspective on life
  • Healing birth traumas, either your own or the birth of your child

When is the best time to use this essence:

  • Your being haunted by some old past experiences
  • Victim mentality that keeps you bound from moving forward 
  • No matter what you do somehow you can’t break free
  • Circling in a vicious cycle that is keeping you stuck
  • Can’t see a way out 


Vibrational infusion of flowers, crystals, moon and angelic energies

Contains Brandy 33.3% and purified water 66.6%, (Alcohol 12.5%)


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