About Me

Early Beginnings

I was born and raised in East Berlin in Germany. My life was strongly influenced by the changes that occurred in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell. My early years had been spent growing up in a communist environment, one that was not open to exploring other parts of the world. The Wall fell when I was twelve years old. Many new ideas about how to live, and an exciting openness to the wider world emerged all around me. I was inspired to travel to Europe, Asia and Australia.

I was truly fascinated by other cultures and their way of life. Asia, in particular, was calling to me. Once there, I was introduced to meditation and rightful living and felt inspired to look at how to find the spiritual connection that we so easily lose in our Western society. My big search began to tap back into the inner knowing and wisdom that resides within all of us. 

I traveled further to Australia and was totally fascinated by this beautiful country, which I now call my home. I felt called to reconnect to the natural world around me. I spent a lot of time exploring the countryside while staying connected to the wisdom and practices I had learned in Asia. 

My Path

Like any human being on a spiritual path, I encountered a lot of challenges on my way that had to be faced, looked at and transformed. If we don’t transform our pain, we will transmit it. I was in constant search for that elusive place within where I could be happy with the life I had, while not being thrown around by life’s inherent difficulties.

A big turning point for me began in 2007 with the birth of the first of my two beautiful children, both of whom have taught me so much. In particular, they have made me really embody the spiritual practices that I had learned and practiced for all those years. As a single parent, I have to be especially present while constantly coming from a place of unconditional love, especially when life gets particularly challenging. If you are a parent, I am sure you can relate. 

Becoming a Mother allowed me to tap more and more into my intuition and natural living. I was going through a tough period and I knew I had to make changes to transform my life. Once I made the difficult decision to be a single Mum, I faced some challenging times but even then I felt held and supported in many other ways. Through this testing time, I learned to tap into my strengths and inner knowing more deeply. My children have helped me become a lot more grounded and have taught me to see the world with very different eyes. 

The New Journey

This is when a new journey began for me. I started to receive clear guidance through dreams and while meditating. Unsure about where to start, I just decided to follow what I was receiving. I am glad I listened to my deepest intuitions, because this has brought me to creating these flower essences. Since then, my life has positively transformed in so many ways. I feel I have finally found that place within that I had searched for for so long.

I feel stronger and more empowered than ever before. I hope that by creating these essences I can give you the same gift that I received for myself. It is a gift that has helped me in so many ways. Plus all the other amazing things I have picked up along the way that now are also implemented into my work with others.

It brings me joy and happiness to see people fully tapping into their own path, and moving forward with strength to fully embody their heart’s desire. To finally live the life they have been longing for.

The New Journey

This is when a new journey began for me. I started to receive clear guidance through dreams and while meditating. Unsure about where to start, I just decided to follow what I was receiving. I am glad I listened to my deepest intuitions, because this has brought me to creating these flower essences. Since then, my life has positively transformed in so many ways. I feel I have finally found that place within that I had searched for for so long.

I feel stronger and more empowered than ever before. I hope that by creating these essences I can give you the same gift that I received for myself. It is a gift that has helped me in so many ways. Plus all the other amazing things I have picked up along the way that now are also implemented into my work with others.

It brings me joy and happiness to see people fully tapping into their own path, and moving forward with strength to fully embody their heart’s desire. To finally live the life they have been longing for.

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